CHICKS* freies performancekollektiv:
CHICKS* palace

Performative Installation

ALL IN! from age 14

Last let in 9 p.m.
Free admission
Limited accessibility for wheelchairs

Welcome to CHICKS* palace! The CHICKS* worked together with youths from Bremen and now invite the audience to their feminist event temple, featuring a maze of gender roles with a masquerade ball, a weird concert, intimate finger food, genitalia production, and clothes swapping. Step inside! Let yourselves be transformed! Celebrate a fest with us!

DJ-Sets and Live-Music: Lady Oelectric, DJ MWA, Mikey Woodbridge
Guests: Amy DeVil (Drag Artist), Lou Kordts (Autor_in / trans Aktivist_in), twitter @epicLouT
6- 8 p.m. Workshop with Rat & Tat Zentrum für queeres Leben e.V.

In cooperation with Gewitterziegen and Wilhelm-Kaisen-Oberschule.
Funded by ›Wege ins Theater!‹ funding programe ASSITEJ in the frame of ›Kultur macht stark! Bündnisse für Bildung‹ of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)