Louis Vanhaverbeke:

Liederabend mit Ohrwurm-Potenzial und Spiegelei für Menschen ab 9 Jahren

Evening of songs with earworm potential and fried eggs for people from age 9
Song lyrics in english
with german surtitles

In the frame of the topic Über die Dinge/ On Things

Joint price system 14 / 10 / 7 EURO, Kids and teens aged up to 18 years 5 EURO, Bremen Pass 3 EURO. No other discounts.
Tel 0421 520 80 70 or ticket@schwankhalle.de. Box office open from 1 hour before performance starts.

In his solo entitled ›Multiverse‹, the Belgian Louis Vanhaverbeke gives a performance as a multifunctional DJ, singing and dancing like a satellite around the center of the stage. In passing, he operates not only several turntables but also a number of objects such as a plastic bucket, a Frisbee, a pan, and other things, giving rise to a visual and musical roundabout full of weird constructions and sentimental songs. Vanhaverbeke jams with their lyrics until he breathes life into them and captures us with his charm once and for all.


BY & WITH Louis Vanhaverbeke
ADVISE Matias Daporta
TECHNIC Bart Huybrechts, Anne Meeussen & Bart Van Bellegem
TECHNICAL SUPPORT Simon Van den Abeele
PRODUCTION campo arts centre, Ghent

With the support of oVS, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek & Vooruit.