Mobile Albania:
Ein Roadmovie

Performative film screening

2022 roadmovie
Free entry

The theater collective Mobile Albania makes a Bremen film! In an anachronistic bus, they set off on a trip along the borders of Bremen—to Bremerhaven and back to the Neustadt again. On the outskirts of the city, they encounter residents. What images can be seen there every day and which new ones do we discover? What does the city feel like from here? What do Borgfeld, Blockland, Weddewarden, Blumenthal, Tenever sound like and what perspectives can be found there? Do we go this way or that? The road movie takes detours and loses its way. And in a zigzag path portrays a city from its fringes.

The premiere of the road movie will take place on June 17 as a performative film screening at the Peter-Zadek-Platz at the Schwankhalle. Beforehand, Mobile Albania‘s bus and screen will be on the road again to screen the film as a sneak preview at some of its locations from Monday, June 13 to Wednesday, June 15. On Monday at Ludwigshafener Straße in Tenever and in Niederblockland, on Tuesday at Kirchhuchtinger Landstraße and in Kladdinger Wiesen and finally on Wednesday at Reiterhof Motzen in Vegesack.

MON 13 June
5 p.m. / Tenever - Ludwigshafener Straße 8
8 p.m. - 10 p.m. / Blockland - along Niederblockland

TUE 14 June
4 p.m. / Kirchhuchting - Kirchhuchtinger Landstraße corner Obervielander Straße
7 p.m. / Stuhr - Kladdinger Str. 10

WED 15 June
5 p.m. / Motzen ferry terminal
8 p.m. / Vegesack - Am Vegesacker Hafen / Rohrstraße

For more than ten years, the theater collective Mobile Albania has been practicing a form of theater dedicated to the encounter with different people in creative situations. Since 2009 Mobile Albania has been traveling the continent of speed in different vehicles: streets, cities and regions in Germany and Europe. Mobile Albania operates as an open collective with various artists, amateurs and all with whom they collide in cities and streets. In the past years, Mobile Albania has gained a lot of experience with different formats in a corona-compliant artistic practice (Der Apparat, Made Festival, Darmstadt, June 2020; Hoftheater, Frankfurt, March 2021).


A PROJECT BY Mobile Albania
CAMERA Anika Wagner
SOUND Thomas Werner
PRODUCTION Tonia Sperling
HOSPITANCE Olivia Stauffer

In cooperation with the Schwankhalle Bremen.

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the frame of #TakePart.