Spröde Lippen
& Laturb

Double concert

In the bustle of post-post-modernism, one’s own feelings appear negligibly small. Spröde Lippen resolutely counter this with their album ›100.‹ Stumbling as usual, with an unusual penchant for pop hymns (›Augenlider‹!) and the gesture of a friendly ›fuck off.‹ With unplanned ease, Spröde Lippen give cryptic answers to eternal questions. At the double concert, they meet their Bremer colleagues Laturb. With their synthfully good musical performance bursting with surprises, they take us to a dark yet colorful world of glitter. Eighties synthesizers meet sharp beats, distorted guitars meet panpipes, rap meets catchy refrains. At times funny, at others serious, political and trashy, cool and touching, loud and soft—music for dreaming, dancing and cavorting!