Chiara Bersani with audience
kunstdok Istvan Virag

Chiara Bersani:

Performance in Kunsthalle Bremen

2023 Performance Schwankhalle meets Kunsthalle
External venue: Kunsthalle Bremen

Fri 10.2. 15 € / 7 € reduced (exclusive, outside regular opening hours)
Sat 11.02. 15 € / 7 € reduced (incl. exhibition entrance)

Ticket reservation: until Fri 10.2. at 12 pm at or Tel 0421 520 80 70

The performance duration is about 40 minutes without intermission. The Kunsthalle is barrier-free accessible. Two elevators provide access to all public areas of the museum. They have a floor announcement system. The floor levels are engraved on the buttons and can be felt if necessary.

A variety of seating is available in the performance space (beanbags, chairs, folding chairs, seating cubes). Wheelchair spaces are available. Detailed information on the Kunsthalle‘s accessibility can be found here: Accessibility ↗

»I, Chiara Bersani, 98 cm tall, I self-proclaim flesh, muscles and bones of the unicorn. I’ll dress their image up, I’ll make a costume out of they, that will become armour and skin. I declare to give voice to the universal questions that puzzled it: Why do I exist? Where do I come from? If tomorrow you’ll find me in your garden, what would you do?«

The Italian performer, director and choreographer Chiara Bersani considers the body as a political subject. What social function does the body assume when it is looked at and interpreted? Bersani‘s works follow the intention of showing a self-determined image of her body, which takes on foreign attributions and becomes a political manifesto. In „Seeking Unicorns“ she devotes herself to the figure of the unicorn, which has been historically misunderstood, misinterpreted and reduced to a motley pop icon. Chiara Bersani lends her voice to the unicorn to finally let it tell its own story.

Chiara Bersani is an Italian performer and author active in the field of performing arts, research theater and contemporary dance. As an interpreter and as a director / choreographer moves through different languages and visions. Her research as an interpreter and author is based on the concept of the “Political Body” and the creation of practices aimed at training its presence and action. The »manifest« work of this research is »Gentle Unicorn«, a performance included in the Aerowaves platform. For the rigor in embodying this study she is awarded the UBU Award for best new actress / performer under 35 for 2018. In August 2019, during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Gentle Unicorn and Chiara Bersani won the first prize in the dance category of the Total Theater Awards.


Creation / action: Chiara Bersani
Sound design: F. De Isabella
Technical director: Valeria Foti
Stage manager: Paolo Tizianel
Dramaturgical advice: Luca Poncetta, Gaia Clotilde Chernetih
Moving coach: Marta Ciappina
Aristical advice: Marco D’Agostin
Styling: Elisa Orlandini
Producer: Eleonora Cavallo
Administrative advise: Chiar Fava
Diffusion and care: Giulia Traversi
Press office and communication: Dalila D’Amico