Francis Seeck:
Zugang verwehrt. Keine Chance in der Klassengesellschaft:
Wie Klassismus soziale Ungleichheit fördert


2022 klassismus

Our society is fundamentally shaped by discrimination based to one’s social background and position. Classism has an effect from before one is born birth to beyond one’s death. For example, access to education and health care is shaped by it—and even the way we are interred. Classism can even become life-threatening. The divide between poor and rich has been growing for years, while the barriers between the classes are becoming more rigid. Yet classism as an issue has attracted surprisingly little attention to date. This must urgently change! For only if we deal with classism is a just society possible.

Francis Seeck impressively shows why we must overcome class society. No one who has read the book will ever again mistake classism for a period of art
(Christian Baron)